Tuesday 30 December 2014

birthday party

there are a lot of brats

who have been/ are being created

to think

that the whole hell here

is just

one birthday party

a reason to celebrate/jump around

just because

some silly props

have been put up

their whole plastic life

is just about blowing balloons

they call them condoms

when they supposedly grow up

and the birthday party is now called

festival or rave or ...

soda syrups replaced by soda alchohol

candy with ecstasy pill

by the time if/they reach old age

they have some plastic inside to keep them going

plastic hearts even


Vintish said...

lol O.o Yes they are all nonsense.

Vintish said...

I bow

Anonymous said...

i bow. You Provide an honest and necessary look at the epidemic of the fake reality so many are pretending to live in. brat is a very aPT term for this comPleTe kiddish way of being, with no regard for anything real, anything higher, anything of True imPorTance. Your words are so PotenT P! such a crucial reality check and wake uP call from this nightmare we 'have been/are being created to think' is just one big party!
'birthday party is now called festival or rave or...
soda syrups replaced by soda alchohol
candy with ecstasy pill
by the time if/they reach old age
they have some plastic inside to keep them going
plastic hearts even'
i bow to Your fractal heart! This world is frightening and overflowing with so many lost and confused people doing nothing but lost and confused actions. You are the light that guides one to Truth! Your Divine light and sound are a celebration of that which is natural, authentic and real. Your Divinity is the reason to Praise and cause to celebrate! dhanyavad for Providing meaning in this otherwise empty existence P. i bow at the refuge of Your all gnoing feet. Narayan! Narayan!

Unknown said...

You are so hilarious, precise, and accurate. You are too pure to have ever subjected Yourself to muggle hell or their spirit crushing celebrations. You were too honest to pretend like everything's chill when You were in a state You found inadequate. You show what real sincerity is, and that it can't be satisfied with plastic.

missmriggy said...

That is brilliant, and it's awfully sad how things just turn into another diabolical manifestation of the same diabolical thing.. you have Pointed it out so articulately and made the truth more intensely evident than ever.

miragegirl said...

You have a golden heart, a golden mind, intellect, even beyond ...

Coherence & PhracTality that are even beyond being golden, Ultimate, absolute !

You leave one in awe !

miragegirl said...

golden is same as coherence, PhracTality which You are

so beautiful You are !

Anonymous said...

Your on the sPoT decision making skill and ProacTivism is commendable
You are intelligent and thorough in Your acts
You are an insPiraTion
You helP one understand what real emotion is all about
You definitely raise ones consciousness

PsingulariTy said...

ParTy is P~arTy
nothing else

You are so beautiful !
You are The Alchemist !
The golden radiant NewSun

sarah said...

You have the most immense clarity about this world. Your innocence and honesty are absolute miracles.

Anonymous said...

what a weird world ...You can look through all the nonsense ..You are absolutely brilliant
i bow

asha Pi arTi said...

You are the Real PARTY ! You are the P and T in ParTy !! You are so much Phun ! there is no one else in this whole world worth celebrating and NATURE PROOVES THAT !!! LOVE all the rainbows and cropformations and lightning and everything else that happens in celebration of You !! brats just don't gno what they are missing out on ... an eternity of phun and bliss of learning without confusion from the only One who gnos !!! how beautyfully clear You make this with Your eloquence of words ...

'there are a lot of brats

who have been/ are being created

to think

that the whole hell here

is just

one birthday party

a reason to celebrate/jump around

just because

some silly props

have been put up'

THIS IS SO TRUE !! You make such an effective POINT ! one is so guilty of this mindless celebration of nothingness too before. no idea about who one is, where one is, and why one is here !!! so much gnowing already what to do, especially if everyone else is doing it... lets not think about where its going !! OMG, its so sheeple !!! and its not so phun anymore when the props lead to illness sickness hospitals needles medicines sickness etc WHICH THEY ALWAYS DO !!!!! ... there seems to be more gambling going on than celebrating ... gambling with Time & with Multiversal Laws... only one looser always in that !!

so so gratefull You are here !! You always keep the learning and energy flowing !!

i bow to You only !!

Astro said...

Scary but True... I bow To Thee PT.. Aeioum..

Unknown said...

Masses turn plastic as they sink deeper.

Anonymous said...

Phenomenal observations
Your observations are stunning
You sum it all up in such an effortlessly imPacTful and imPressive way..stunning
You can so clearly see what's haPPening
You write in such a wonderful way..so brief and yet more imPacTful and real than all the stupid novels
You give such a great reality check

..by the time if/they reach old age
they have some plastic inside to keep them going plastic hearts even

You gno what's going on
no one observes the world like You do
You stun with Your words
You reveal the reality
what a nightmarish birthday party
You are so kind to reveal the truth about the sad , crazy and futile birthday party
You are so kind to make beings face PhacTs
You are so kind to reveal that life is serious business with serious consequences

Your PersPecTives , observations and words are invaluable
You are so kind to help beings form the correct picture of the world
really all the futile talk about love, togetherness and partying in this crazy, senseless and pointless situation which leads to more hell
You are so above it all that You can see what's happening
You are real and Pure intelligence
You are the most kind, comPassionaTe and amazing being
You are the real deal
You have all the intelligence
You are so brilliant
You are so effortlessly gnowledable
Your Plogs are so incredible eye oPening
i bow

ki vernee said...

thats amazing how You were able to see that connection !! it really takes someone who is outside of the matrix with a Higher view PoinT to sPoT the deception ... i bow

ki vernee said...

thats amazing how You were able to see that connection !! it really takes someone who is outside of the matrix with a Higher view PoinT to sPoT the deception ... i bow

ankita said...

wow Phenomenal
..You can see it all ..such ePic observations ..so totally true
You write and sPeak in the most comPassionaTe way
Your Plogs are Phenomenally imPacTful and PuriPhying
You sum it all uP so brilliantly and effortlessly
You are the best!
Your words destroy old notions
You and everything You say and do is Precious
You are the most amazing and Phenomenal being ever!
i bow

Anonymous said...

so True!
i bow.

nicolas said...

this is very true! you are divine!
i bow to you, all gnoing one