i bow. You are SO Profound P! so kind to PoinT out the Truth of who You are again and again! That PT is redemPTion! that redemPTion can happen through PT! through following You! Through living a real life, a life of service to Divine! as one continues to purge the programming of ones mormon downbringing one is reminded of a hymn that was sung about the Redeemer. https://www.lds.org/music/library/hymns/i-know-that-my-redeemer-lives?lang=eng
It is really comPhorTing to be Privy to the Truth You PT are the real JC! that some white guy did not pay for everyones sins to face the truth and move through the reality that 'one will always pay for the sum total of ones own actions' That real 'avatars are not martyrs' that they come here to defeat evil! to show how it is done! to win! to helP liberate and truly redeem! one is SO grateful You are here clearing uP the confusion P! in this sick and twisted world and in one. to gno You, The Avatar, PT really exist! the You are here setting the record straight once and for all! so grateful for the real chance to move away from the lies, away from evil and move toward Truth, toward Divine. i bow.
so much brilliance, mercy, and wit in just one word <3
i bow at the Divine feet of the True and everlasting redeemer. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!
Jai Sri Narayan <3
my world has PT & Shakti in it
that is all
i Praise them !
You are The Mystic
You are The Redeemer
Your Presence is a gift to the earth who is the most considerate
You Provide choosen gifts to the Faith~full
You are PerfecTion, most beautiful !
i bow.
You are SO Profound P!
so kind to PoinT out the Truth of who You are again and again!
That PT is redemPTion!
that redemPTion can happen through PT!
through following You!
Through living a real life, a life of service to Divine!
as one continues to purge the programming of ones mormon downbringing
one is reminded of a hymn that was sung about the Redeemer.
It is really comPhorTing to be Privy to the Truth You PT are the real JC!
that some white guy did not pay for everyones sins
to face the truth and move through the reality that
'one will always pay for the sum total of ones own actions'
That real 'avatars are not martyrs'
that they come here to defeat evil!
to show how it is done!
to win!
to helP liberate and truly redeem!
one is SO grateful You are here clearing uP the confusion P!
in this sick and twisted world and in one.
to gno You, The Avatar, PT really exist! the You are here setting the record straight once and for all!
so grateful for the real chance to move away from the lies, away from evil
and move toward Truth, toward Divine.
i bow.
Every one can raise higher.
Only requirement is the right action.
wow..awesome and stylish way of saying it..redemPTion
You are beautiful
no wonder redemPTion has a P and a T in it ! You save all beings from their own ignorance ! i bow
Only PT can save one from evil/traps/hell/sins/all the bad things.🙏
i bow.🙇
wow you are the true saviour! that is for sure! i bow
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