there are too many here
who dont
want to break
out of their
in their infantile state
they never get to
have any idea
as to
tortures await them
on that path
and when any such reality
hits them
all they do is
no wonder
hell is a loud place
infantile should never be equated with
which is about a pure way of being
as a result of being
perfectly established in pure gnowledge
the most dangerous way of being
still so many cling to it
like fools in a
make-believe comfort zone
which in the end
leads to
i bow ! wow, omg P.... You really gno how to make a PoinT clear !
and You are real innocence, real PuriTy, and real compassion ! ❤
i bow !
just love this Plog !
more gnowledge = more innocence
that is so sweet a connection You make for one ! Beautiful !
ppl go play with babies or animals to try and get more innocent... that's clearly infantile !! hiding from facing facts about one's reality is definitely infantile !
i bow !
I Bow !
dhanyavad for your Purifying PerspecTive. i bow. Narayan! Narayan!
i bow in awe of the all Pervading innocence of Your Pure gnowledge. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!
wow! what a warning P! i bow!
Your words are so Powerful and show one the stark reality of choosing to be in an infantile state and where that leads one!
You give the most beautiful definition of what real innocence is. what a contrast!
Your Pure and comPleTe innocence is the most overwhelmingly beautiful Presence to experience. The Power of which can be seen and felt in all You do. even Your baby PicTures overPhlow with Divine innocence! there has never been a trace of infantilism in You!
i bow to the one who has always been and will always be PerfecT and Pure.
Praise of Divine leading to ProPer innocence is the way to go
letting go of infantilism is definitely needed
Praise of Divine Provides necessary intelligence
serving Divine in ones caPaciTy helPs one towards evolution
Divine is aweing
Divine is a True friend to existences
Divine has dazzling beauty
real innocence reigns self's restless horses
innocence is gained through humility to higher & Divine
Your Plogs timing is most meaningful
The numbers magic !
You are The Magic Man undoing the fatal infantilism
Denial and inappropriate use of words keeps one trapped.
Your PracTcality, reality, and applied learning bring the most impressive results.
wow such great clarity You have
You see things as they are!
really You make one face PhacTs
You just gno the situation of this world!
You are so PerfecTly established in Pure gnowledge
You are so effortlessly gnowledable
infantilism is infatalism
the most dangerous way of being
still so many cling to it
like fools in a make believe comfort zone which in the end leads to maximum discomfort
yes what great words of clarity
You are so effortlessly clear about everything
You are suPer intelligent and suPer amazing
You have so much comPassion to reach out to everyone through Your words
such tremendously great and important insights!
so true
You make one face the PhacTs
You are the ultimate
i bow
You are the only One PerfecTly established in Pure gnoledge ! You are the only One with Pure innocence ! i bow !
You make beings aware of so many imPorTant things
Your observations are the greatest observations
You are so kind to show beings a way out of this dangerous way of being
i bow
'infantilism is infatalism' wow..This is such an amazing and beauTiPhull revelation. i bow and surrender at your feet P.🙇🙏
infatalism, wow, what brilliant insight !
You are so helPful to guide the way to maturity !
wow so profound! that is a deep observation! your perception is so sharp, that is really impressive! you are divine
i bow
wow this is another Powerfully meaningPhul Plog ..You are so eye oPening
infantilism is infatalism ...
You're so kind to clariPhy that a kid is not a child and it cannot be equated with innocence
some people want to be in a neverland and never grow up..keep eating candies all their life and keep going on merry go round and roller coasters all their lives ...they also call all that being innocent ..
infantile should never be equated with
which is about a pure way of being
as a result of being
perfectly established in pure gnowledge
these are the most beautiPhul words ever 🙏
You make all the sense
You are suPremely enlightening
You are the real innocent child like being
You are so Pure healthy and wise ..You have the real child like innocence and learning attitude
You are so gnowledgable even about the world of people
Your words are so liberating
You are real PuriTy
one bows
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