amazing & awesome
2 words
in continuous use these days
especially in so-called social media
in regards to
oneself, others (who say that about one)
and events (where one is present)
those using them
would find it very hard to explain
what is
so awe-ing
or amaze-ing
any of it
just another brick in the denial delusion wall
they think it will
all become really
amazing and awesome
if they keep on repeating the lie long enough
a funny way to keep going
in the trapped hells they are in
calling it
awesome and amazing
if they were to come across
something really
amaze-ing and awe-some
i bow to the Axis
LOL ! I Bow !
:) this totally sums up california. i bow.
You provide an appropriate outlet for such adjectives !!! such a relief !!! You are amazing !!! You are awesome !!! You provide non stop proof so it is an undisputed fact !
i bow in awe and amazement at Your Divine feet. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!
i bow!
You are so brilliantly Phunny P!
'just another brick in the denial delusion wall' no other can PuT words together the way You do!
have to reiterate the comments here as it is SO True! it is You who awe and amaze, all You do is really awesome and amazing!
it is You who are the living dePhiniTion of these words! it is You who language was created to describe and sPeak Praises!
coming across You makes ever brick in of denial and delusion crumble!
You bring one to ones knees constantly P! i bow!
Your actions, LotusOcean Manifestations are amazing & aweing
Your Plogs, sounds, Pcasa are amazing & aweing
You are amazing & aweing
the suPer consciousness that has created everything but stays outside
of it all is aweing
one can but imagine not even a sPeck of its attributes, one is such a
tiny charge comPared to it
one is only a drop in a ocean, a grain of sand
IT is what has created the existence itself
it's aweing, its amazing !
when one even sees a single act that one sees as a Par above, that one
sees as showing a good attribute in the one Performing the act, there
is a true joy that comes to one
Bliss is the 1000...000...000 ... PercenT exaggeration of that kind of
thing & is Possible only in relation to Divine
because Divine's attributes are True, they are non changing, ever
everlasting joy, virtue, haPPiness, PuriTy, Truth, Peace ...
Divine's consciousness is True comPleTe consciousness
Divine is Alive, truly, great Pahana of the hoPi, NewSun,
GarudNarayan, ShivNarayan, Vishnu, Shiv
Divine is that which is looking at everything on earth, every entity,
every thought that a being has, every action done
Divine is looking at all the worlds & realms & Planes of existence
IT is suPer consciousness
IT is suPreme, ultimate, most, Profound, ParTicular, comPleTe of every
desirable quality
IT is that which is unthinkable by a mortal
Divine is aweing !
magical its existence & the existences it has created !
Your LotusOcean sounds are deep, intense in imPorT
they are enjoyable to watch, Provide a Profound meaning, sounds that
actually 'mend our sPiriT/sols'
& only one Person, the Avatar has caused the grand LotusOcean
Avatar gives an oPPorTuniTy for others to serve him in useful ways but
that is secondary, an another story
You have travelled to so many Places, have Produced so many varied
types of sounds which do not contain general emotion but galactic,
broad, beautiful unfathomable emotion, a vedic multiversal emotion
that it is grand & aweing
same with Your Plogs which are comPleTe Truth covering all ToPics
necessary for ProPer evolution
and many, in Phact most of the times ToPics one has never even given
a single thought let alone a second thought to
Your Plogs shatter the evil to inexistence
they are said with wit, in style, with PerfecT diction, caPTivating
they are
they are sPreading real gnowledge, 'setting the record straight'
aweing as to how much a single Person can do & You are not just
limited to Plogs, You are doing it all, Plogs, vids, P casa, travels,
talks, natural construction, ... all at the same time, single handedly
classy living ! aweing ! amazing !
You show how beautiful earth is through Your P casa, awesome PicTures
All Your actions, Play & PasTimes here are awesome & amazing they are
You are stunningly, superbly, most gorgeously attractive amazing and awesome personality one has ever come across.
You are undeniably "The Electric Personality" one has ever known !
You are The Real Rockstar
whom any girl would be delighted to sleep with !
Speech is an action that programs ones mind.
Careful to know exactly what words mean.
only You can live uP to the words 'awesome' and 'amazing' ! You show through Your Being what these words actually mean ! i bow respectfully !
i bow. So True.🙂 You are the only being who is really amazing and awesome.
i am in awe of you. 🙇🙏 i surrender at your feet.🙇🙏
You de-Phi-ne those words !!!
You are the source code of meaning !!!
you are the most amazing and awesome! a real living God! no one comes close to your level of being-ness! you are Perfect in every ways! Perfect can start with P only!
i bow to you, the real saviour
PT is amazing !!!
PT is the Greatest Gift to not just human kind , but to the entire earth itself!!!
i Bow to the ParamaTman!!!
i Bow to the kalki Avatar!!!
i Bow to PT's PheeT!!!
<3 <3 <3
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