Sunday, 9 June 2013


the easiest way

to keep

people trapped in hell

is to give them

the feeling

that they are


no wonder

there are

so many awards, titles, posts, prizes ...

in reality

the only winner is the one

who gets out of hell-prison

in this life and after-life


that does not require a committee or tournament


pinx said...

written by a true winner !!!

such ePicly great and Profound words ! how insightful You are !! the real reason behind all the awards, titles and posts revealed in a whole new light ! make people feel like they are winning when they are actually trapped in hell. very sinister stuff indeed and more than just a little sad.

absolutely kick ass final statement ! that the only winner is the one who gets out of hell ! right on P, nobody says it better, in fact nobody says it at all ! You are the only one to state the truth so plainly and clearly !

I Bow !

Vintish said...


missmriggy said...

That's such a brilliant post. People should read this and step out of the delusion.
Humble acknowledgements.

asha Pi arTi said...

Dhanyavad for defining this word !

You give one such a real PerspecTive about the world and oneself ... 'the only winner is the one who gets out of hell-prison
in this life and after-life'... if one can't do that or is not aspiring for that ... then what is one but a loser no matter what title/award one has.

so glad to learn from a real winner... someone who not only gnos but shows it teaches it & lives it ... You are my Hero P !

what a compassionate Plog to help ppl get out of hell trap ! Dhanyavad for never giving this false sense of winning to anyone ever... You say it like it is even if no one likes it bc its the Truth ... that is beyond winner that is chamPion !!

I bow !

Shahid said...

Bollywood,Hollywood and all other "wood" stars really need to read this.

Your writings are full of bliss,light and truth Oh Bhagwan.

PTji aap mahadyutih ho. Your form is full of great splendor.

pinx said...

"in reality

the only winner is the one

who gets out of hell-prison

in this life and after-life"

what a statement ! what a statement !! Bravo Bravo Bravo !!!

You floor one every time with Your words ! they are the absolute truth ! nothing but the truth Your scriPTures certainly are !

I Bow !

Anonymous said...

:) i bow.

miragegirl said...

one is no winner

Praise of Divine is the way to go
there is no lasting True haPPiness in the world
Praising Divine qualities when one seem them is a relief
You are helPful by Your very Presence in that way
we can see You & Your Divine qualities with our own eyes in this very liPhe & Praise You, it's more effortless than having to create imagery for one, it's more real

You are the P Avatar
You are Divine

PsingulariTy said...

You are The Enlightened One
You are 'Kshetrajnah, the gnower of the field'
You can make anyone win

one hoPes to be a real winner in next liPhe

Unknown said...

i bow

Anonymous said...

'in reality the only winner is the one who gets out of hell-prison in this life and after-life'
Your Plog is awesome
Your words have a glow

sarah said...

it is so endearing that divine is familiar with muggle committees and tournaments
what a crucial re-definition of what a winner actually is !
You are so PhuTure oriented and see the big PicTure !

ki vernee said...

You make the most beautiful observations ! You gno the game so well ! You are always a winner ! i bow !

ki vernee said...

You make the most beautiful observations ! You gno the game so well ! You are always a winner ! i bow !

sarah said...

A fascinating exPosiTion the strategies intentionally devised to trap sheeple in hell.
Only divine can liberate.

Unknown Andanonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sarah said...

finding the exit door is way better than winning the lottery !!!

Anonymous said...

so True..You are the only winner in this world. i bow and surrender to you P.🙇🙏

sarah said...

You show what the winning lifestyle is, the luxury and ease You manifest is like no one else. You are Pure heaven.

nicolas said...

wow that is a wonderphull observation! your gnowledge is so impressive, no being on Earth is close to your level of being-ness
i bow to you supreme one

sarah said...

only You can turn my lead into gold
i bow

Anonymous said...

You PrioriTise so well !!!
You are so clear about what constitutes a real Prize !!!
Your too-cool-for-everything / above-everything / above-all drama way of Being is so ePic and to be exPosed to that and strive to imbibe that is the ultimate Prize !!!

ankita said...

wow Your Plogs are the ultimate soothing refuge
so kind of You to helP one see that lack of future PersPecTive gets beings caught up in winning trying to be a fast racer than others, better badminton player than others, better looking than others, better at math than others, getting famous etc. . W
when all that they think is winning is not winning at all. . it's just loosing! it's wasting time. happens because of no future perspective of awareness of death and afterlife...beings can be manipulated if they want to resort to the feeling of winning to not face reality. ..getting caught up in kiddish games that lead to more hell than anyone can imagine! You are so eye oPening!
You are suPerior, higher PersPecTive and the ultimate rePhuge for the sPiriT
You are the Divine suPer soul!
one bows

NavdeeP said...

Beautiful!!!!Your PersPecTives are so wholistic and complete. Here Every other just work for titles. The real goal is getting out of the cycle of birth and death. You are most insPiring and UPliphTing example right here right now on this Plane. One is grateful for your teachings and every word you have sPoken. i bow