Monday 24 November 2008

Aumonics ~ Dimension Hopping


Anonymous said...

This video and sound is truly quite a 'Potent Soul Penetration'experience unlike the P.S.P most think it to be. This is the only sound frequency and eye energy absorPtion which can telePort us to the dimensions we cant even imagine we could imagine.An incredibly experience that makes one quiet... in humility. The frequency makes the D.N.A hoP to a loud beating of the heart!Thankyou Teacher.

miragegirl said...

"lightning is your adornment"

aap ParmaTma hai

aap ko mera Pranam

pinx said...

these sounds really are as You say ~ Dimension Hopping !!

Your Aumonics are auuuwwweing !!

these sounds are ePic ! sublime ! Powerful ! PoTent ! one is taken on a transcendental journey through space & time through them !

these sounds are cosmic ! from another realm/dimension completely ! these sounds are magnificent ! they really PeneTrate one ! one gets the sense that one has entered a higher plane, getting Darshan of the infinite delicious bliss of Divine !

Aap ShivNarayan Hain !
from a higher dimension You have come, & to that higher dimension You shall return. You have revealed the highest expression of sound through Your Aumonics - it is so attractive, enticing, inspiring, sexy, sublime, penetrating, spine tingling - Divine is all of this and more !

Listening to Your Divine music and beholding the serenity & sublime peace of Lord Narayan reclining is so humbling, and so attractive ! it evokes an intense desire to follow You back from where You came !

I Bow !

Anonymous said...

WOW! i bow. dhanavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

PsingulariTy said...

You are The Real ॐ

Unknown said...

Just by the music only you could make one feel like they are travelling other dimensions, this video is really mystical!

Anonymous said...

soulful saound.

Gita said...

wow so soulful, so real... given an instant feeling of an outer higher dimension.. only You Play real music which takes our sPiriTs to a higher Place... only Your saaounds makes sense... one bows to You P