Thursday, 21 August 2008

Cropcircle 15th Aug 2008 ~ A Very Quick Response

Roslin Unveiled


so here we are again ... 13 days into

pain & torture show which is given a respectable name, 'Olympics'

these supposed games just go to prove everything

in my previous 'god is not in pain' blog

and what does one finally get for contorting

their body into unhuman shapes -

at best, a piece of metal to take home

the amount of drugs, injuries, operations etc.

involved in this beastiality contest is


the mindless worship of pain & ego-pumping

continues ...

Friday, 8 August 2008

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Formation Magic ~ 23 Jul '08

Magic Tree Mandala

peace - needs saving from the peacifists

just another bizzaroness of these times -

so much talk about *peace*

without any talk about *selfishness*

as if a peaceful society can exist with

conflicting selfish interests

john lennon is singing

*give peace a chance*

after guzzling down loads of chicken & beef

maybe the peace to peacefully

kill a cow or a chicken

violence, gnoingly & ungnoingly,

is the main tool used to breed peace

people talking about *love & peace* everywhere

especially in *bars*

as if those are places designed

to further *peace*

alchohol than would have to be *god of peace* ...

the game continues