Tuesday 27 November 2007

god & pain

one of the biggest misconceptions =
'god is in everyone/where/thing'

how 'god' is not in 'everything'
can be understood in many ways

there is a scientific way,
a psychological way
& a consciousness way

these ways are all ultimately connected

the best & most simplest way however
is to understand it in terms of
'pain' and painlessness'

for example - 'god' doesn't exist in 'Playstation'
which at the end of the day
lowers consciousness and brings pain to the
players in terms of physical & astral

you see 'god' is not into 'pain' &
'godlyness' is 'a state of conscious painlessness

realms of pain,torture & karmic bondage
having nothing to do with god
the real god never intended creation to be like that

ultimately, all IS one, yes? you ask

i say 'No'

these kind of assumptions only suit the
evil demiurge's plan at the end of the day

people think that 'all is one' and consequently
they are accepting of everyone as they are,
which in the end plays straight into the hands
of the manipulators

they want 'you' to accept 'them'
and in doing so suffer at their hands

for example a female with this mindset & logic
will go ahead and sleep with any male
( because after all 'all is one' and whats the harm)
as a result her vibrations go down further
and the spiderwebs tighten
this attitude doesn't allow
one to break from this matrix of pain

'all is connected' is a more apt statement than
'all is one'
a good education tool
to teach people the effects of actions

the multiverse's emanated from 'the one'
in time the energies of certain levels
of this multiverse were manipulated
to create something 'ungodly' i.e 'pained'
it became 'painful - full of pain' in course of time

and in these ungodly 'realms' more and more
artificial stuff keeps on getting created -
bionic robots, clones, soulless androids
etc etc.

there exist realms which have no pain -
emotional, psychological or physical
there everything is 'godly'
because they maintain connection with
'the divine one' at all points

the beings which deliberately sever
that connection create ungodly realms
which are not part of 'the one'
simply because they don't adhere to
'the one's' specifications for creation

such creations obviously involve a whole lot
of pain & torture & work on maxims like
'no pain no gain'

so you can understand 'godliness'
as a kind of way; not a thing or substance
most of this 3-D physical realm on
this planet is not functioning by that way
and thus is not godly

what physical & psychological pain is
can be understood scientifically and
thats where true sciences like
sacred geometry come in

so yes 'everything is not god'
there is 'a moving away from god'
and thats why there is 'pain'


asha Pi arTi said...

This is so epic !

Only You can and do write it all out !

* bowing to You PT ! *

Kate said...

Very True PT You explain everything so true and clear. Powerful the only way to learn the TRUTH is from Learning it from YOU!!!

asha Pi arTi said...

mind blowing no matter how many times i read it ! !

this is definitely one of the most important Plogs for the current age ! !

* bowing to the Clarity of PT *

missmriggy said...

Thankyou for setting the Truth straight.. Your words are the only words one ever needs to pay attention to.. You are sublime

miragegirl said...

Narayan Narayan !

You show us the truth that evolution is the only thing to care about and also show why and how

and You are the only evolved being in the now

its quiet apparent from all you say and do

3-D realm is full of pain and only real happiness can be gained when one is out of it

you explain it so eloquently

everything you do shows how superior you are to anyone else

Asha said...

You are so scientific and objective ! clearly seeing and stating things for what they are.. it is so refreshing to read words that just get to the PoinT !! !!

blows me away every time !

Anonymous said...

No more pain... no more pain...no more pain... yeahhhhhh! :] how can there be Pain anymore? The word itself starts with P and that happens to give us courage ... Thank u God, The word/world is saved yet again with ure divine grace and logic.

miragegirl said...

sirf aap is duniya main ishye hai joh sache roop se dayalu hai

kyun ki sirf aap sab ko samja rahe hai ki mahanat se un lokon ko puncha ja sahta hai jaha kisi tarah ka dard nahee hai

aap ke PT logs aak ke yug main ek matr mahatvapoorn granth hai

aap mahan hai

aap har yug ke avatar hai joh dharm ki stapna karthye hai

aap kalki hai

aap safaid ashv par savar, haat main talvar liye is duniya ki dhusth sakthiyo ka nash kar rahe hai

aap Parmatman hai

pinx said...

Standing Ovation for this P !!
Bravo ! Bravo ! Bravo !
I Bow !

You have outlined everything one needs to gno about how to identify Godly from ungodly ~ how it is to do with painlessness as opposed to pain !

so brilliantly You have outlined this precious teaching !

love this example :
"for example - 'god' doesn't exist in 'Playstation'
which at the end of the day
lowers consciousness and brings pain to the
players in terms of physical & astral"
having played the wretched thing myself i gno exactly what You are talking about !

and so many other brilliant examples and teachings ! really love how You clarify that "all is connected" rather than "all is one" ~ that is indeed as You say a "a good education tool
to teach people the effects of actions".

You really clarify the age old dilemma that people face -about this world and God and if there is a God why is there so much pain in this world. You have made it so clear - simply because beings have turned away from God, and thus the ungodly mess !

You are brilliant ! Your worlds are brilliant ! You are showing us the PaTh to painlessness, the PaTh to God !

Anonymous said...

i bow! This is such an ePic Plog. every word You write is a must read and reread! You clear up so many misconceptions about what God is and is not. You Provide True emPathy through Your comPleTe gnowledge of this multiverse and the root reason and solution for ones pain and suffering. dhanyavad for being the unwavering Divine Phorce one can turn to. i bow at Your Godly feet. dhanyavad for Your Presence in this pain filled world P. You are the only relief. i bow again and again. Narayan! Narayan!

Anonymous said...

What is sacred geometry?

Godliness is the way

I bow

PT teachings are incredibly smooth

Anonymous said...

i bow!
Plogs are the only and ultimate source for Truth in this Pained world!
This is such a Powerful scriPTure exPosing the lie that all is one and the severe consequences of following such a twisted mindset!
one saw an advert the other day shamelessly touting this lie which reminded one of this Plog! Divine is most generous to Provide a resource for Truth which one can always turn to in this twisted, messy sick and evil world!


So clearly Divine conveys what God is and how far this world has strayed from God!

'you see 'god' is not into 'pain' &
'godlyness' is 'a state of conscious painlessness
realms of pain,torture & karmic bondage
having nothing to do with god
the real god never intended creation to be like that'

it is miraculous that there is One on this Earth who is Truly Divine, who is Godly in every way, who is guiding the way toward God in a world that has become comPleTely removed from the creation god intended!

the imPorTance of The Avatars Presence on this Earth can not be stated enough!!!
it is amazing that You are here P!
You are the only real hoPe in this Godless world! The only One who can guide the way to freedom!
i bow!

PsingulariTy said...

You are Pure consciousness

You define being clear & coherent. You are grand !
the sane sounds, the music of multiverse is all Yours. the unharmonious sounds are evil.

Anonymous said...

You define grand absolute godliness. You are P Avatar.

Anonymous said...

what a great exPlanaTion !
one just thinks of one multiverse but there are more than one
You have now used the word 'omni-verse' for the first time on 'the Matrix' lotusocean Plog
Your gnowledge is comPleTe, You are the All Gnoing One
You are so enchanting ! You are the one i want to be ever connected to
You are classy ! You are GoD so beautiful !

Anonymous said...

i bow
P ain'T into Pain!
i bow again and again!
You state the most Profound Truths P!
Everything You do and say is Paradigm shifting!
so amazing the way and ways You see EVERYTHING!
Your way is Truly Godly!
one is so ashamed to have wasted so many years in ungodliness and pain!
and that one attemPTed to escaPe from it through even more Painful and ungodly ways!
it's undeniable how far removed from You and Your way this world is!
it is so frightening and terrifying to see how borg like and robotic and soulless and nonsensical people here are!
so frightening to imagine remaining among them as one of them!
Divine is SO kind to guide the way away from pain and toward a real connection to God!
toward the only way that can lead one away from this sick pain infested realm!
in ones emotionally incoherent state one can't helP but cry out in relief P!
cry out of gratitude that You are real P!
that there is ONE here who gnos and lives the way!
that there is ONE here who one can safely surrender to!

'there exist realms which have no pain-
emotional, psychological or physical
there everything is 'godly'
because they maintain connection with
'the divine one' at all points'

i bow. just love reading those lines again and again P!
so lucky all are in this world that You, the Divine One is here in 3D!
that You Provide so many glimPses into the ceaseless beauty of these realms!
that one can work toward the real goal of connecting with You!
serving You! bowing to You! surrending to You!
that one has the opportunity to be transPhormed through Your Grace!
that one can work toward You to become established in coherent emotions, and free of psychological and physical pain!
that one can work to keep ones thoughts centered on You! shareable and beautiful and True!
that ones words and actions can always be those of Praise and service toward Divine!
actions which keep one away from Pain!
there is nothing more painful than participating in a world removed from Divine!
a world which is centered around unwholesome goals that does not revolve around Divine!
it's so awful the way those in this world choose to ignore You P!
one is so ashamed to have been one for so long!
it is so amazing that Divine is here!
that one can choose to follow You and real live and learn Your way
that one has a chance to establish real connection to You through surrender and service to Divine
that one has the only real chance there is to follow You to realms beyond this one
where one can remain connected to You at all PoinTs for all time!
You are the real heaven to seek!
SO grateful You are here to bow to P!
one is so ashamed to have been and behaved so blindly and foolishly.
i bow

Acharya Mayur Bharadwaj said...

Very true

Meghhnaa said...

PT, The sacred geometry, The Logical !

Unknown said...

This is one of the amazing post which I liked a lot! It has cleared many things to me, recieving a correct knowledge is a true blessing!!

These lines below are just wow, it has cleared my confusion and answered my curiosity of this world and why people are in pain? why they have to go through this? why do we live such life? Was it meant to be like this?

Answer- realms of pain,torture & karmic bondage
having nothing to do with god
the real god never intended creation to be like that

Another confusion cleared here, we all are unique and different from each other, we are not same, we are not one but, we are connected to each other just like the fingers we have- A thumb,index finger, middle finger, ring finger and the baby finger. All are fingers and connected to each other but, they are not same, they are not one. Wow just wow, feeling so good after understanding and knowing this. So simple yet so deep and only you can do this and bring this to the surface, your words are golden!!

'all is connected' is a more apt statement than
'all is one'
a good education tool
to teach people the effects of actions

I would like to know more about these lines though, specially the sacred geometry!

what physical & psychological pain is
can be understood scientifically and
thats where true sciences like
sacred geometry come in

Thank you PT- our saviour, thank you so much, I bow and Pranaams to your true knowledge!!

Unknown said...

P is so wise and divine!

Unknown said...

i bow to P Avatar.

Unknown said...

i bow to God.

Unknown said...

i bow to PT.

Unknown said...

i bow to P.
i bow to God.

Unknown said...

i bow to P.

Unknown said...

i bow to Lotusocean.
i bow to your Blogs.
i bow to God.
i bow to the Healers.
i bow to Happiness.
i bow to the Source.
i bow to Sacred Geometry.

Karn'iKa Tri' PaThi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

You explain everything with proper reasoning which makes sense. You are breaking all the old notions of this world where we are taught from the very early age that if no pain there's no gain. It is very fortunate of us that you are here helping people break off from these old ideas. Pranam _/\_

Unknown said...

"so yes 'everything is not god'
there is 'a moving away from god'
and thats why there is 'pain' "
Your words makes sense. You drive the Point home. Pranam. I bow!

ki vernee said...

You are the most gnowledgeable Being !

Anonymous said...

You exPlain everything so comPassionaTely and beautifully. You really set the record straight.You give such marvellous exPlanaTions.Your words are so awesome. You are fabulous. You give such good news about there being realms with no emotional, psychological and physical pain.You have the most awesome way of exPlaining. it's so awesome of You to make it clear that God is not into pain. Your Plogs are such awesomeness and beauty.You write Phenomenally. Your Plogs are so very beautiful and enthralling.Pranam

Unknown said...

I am living in Pain...now I have understood that this is the truth rest all what others say and preach is false and without any base. You cannot be in everything which causes pain ...you will be in there where there is no pain. It is so Profound.

Anonymous said...

this is such a beautiful exPlanaTion
You make so much sense
You are Phenomenal
Your words are the only words to read
this is such a Phenomenal exPlanaTion
Your words are liPhe changing
You have the answers
You are the wisest one has come across

there exist realms which have no pain -
emotional, psychological or physical
there everything is 'godly'
because they maintain connection with
'the divine one' at all points...

beautiful, beautiful words
Your words are so soulful and Pure
You tell one about the otherworld which has no pain of any kind
You give such great and soothing news
You give one the greatest, most beautiful message
all is not one..You make the greatest statements
the all is one mindset propagated by the frauds creates so much nonsense
You're so absolutely right
one agrees totally
this all in one attitude is harmful in the end
You make so much sense
this is the greatest exPlainaTion ever
You are the real revolution
Your words are simPly Phenomenal
i bow at Your PheeT

Anonymous said...

this is such a beautiful exPlanaTion
You make so much sense
You are Phenomenal
Your words are the only words to read
this is such a Phenomenal exPlanaTion
Your words are liPhe changing
You have the answers
You are the wisest one has come across

there exist realms which have no pain -
emotional, psychological or physical
there everything is 'godly'
because they maintain connection with
'the divine one' at all points

beautiful, beautiful words
Your words are so soulful and Pure
You tell one about the otherworldly which has no pain of any kind
You give one the greatest most beautiful message

all is not one..You make the greatest statements
the all in one mind sets that the fraud propagates creates so much nonsense
You're so absolutely right
one agrees totally
this all in one attitude is so harmful and results in degeneration and downfall
You make so much sense
this is the greatest exPlanaTion ever
You are the real revolution
Your words are simPly Phenomenal
i bow at Your beautiful sacred PheeT

ki vernee said...

You are so kind to teach beings how to be natural again ... i bow

ki vernee said...

beautiful ! what an amazing clarification of why god is not in everything ! all the crazy effects of playstation playing ... god is definitely not in playstation ! You are smart ! i bow

Anonymous said...
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veena iyengar said...

Very True..some people make fun of others who follow old traditional ways..they think they are not open minded.. Thank you for this knowledge..

Anonymous said...

You truly have all the answers
how beautifully You write..
how meaningful Your words are!
wow just wow
You are incredible
You have all the answers ever
sPellbinding exPlaTions..so enchanting
You give food for the hungry and weak spirit
You are beautifully soulful
Your words shine brighter than diamonds

there exist realms which have no pain..
wow You give such great good news
no emotional, psychological and Physical pain..
such great clarifications

what physical & psychological pain is can be understood scientifically and thats where true sciences like sacred geometry come in

..wow wow wow..You have such great overstanding ..physical and psychological pain can actually be understood
You overstand everything
Your Plogs are truly a treasure
Your revelations are incredible
Your words are the most Phenomenal words ever
i bow

Renate Mocza said...

Seems very true to me. I always was thinking God is everywhere, in anything, all around, up and down. May be there are some dark places where Gods light does not shine that bright.
What does ungodly mean? Is it simply absence of God, or is there another force or forces wich compete with him? This would be a dualistic approach.
Anyway, humans do so much ungodly stuff that it becomes dangerous. More godlyness is needed.....
You give new insights. Thank You for that.
Wth lots of bliss and love

Renate Mocza said...

You give new insights. Thank You
With bliss and love

undecided said...

I bow. No pain no gain is the cruelest joke ever spread. I fell prey to it in my athlete days, constantly seeing how far I can torture my body for the sake of "wins" in this hellish nightmare. All that came out of it was a broken body by age 15.... where is the evolution in that? How is that healthy? Was the adoration I received making me happy inside?

Absolutely not.

PT's words and light have given a way out of this terrible matrix, only if one lets go of their ego of gnoing and follow their dharmic path in life.

We did not come here for pain, not in this realm. This realm is meant for evolution and true love. aeioum

Unknown said...

Wow! Truly agree. In fact I believe in this thing for a long time.... Found your perspective so similar to mine :) In this world of technology, we are creating things that detach us from the divine and this scares me. Can we change this? I mean on a larger scale?

NavdeeP said...

Oh Divine I am so thankful to you for sending such a wonderphul beingsbwho are totally connected to you.
When PT -the axis speaks and writes about any cause I feel like God is guiding me. I had spent much of my life like this. And because of my this thinking I was never able to judge who is write and who is wrong. That's a different part. Because of all are same thinking never allows me to prove the truth as in the end I always quit. But your this plog remove the layer of misconception that I was carrying. Your plots are some time she like you are answering my questions. Bows to your feet who blessed this earth.

lana_33 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

wow ! beautiPhully and simPly exPlained ... no religion has got to this simple point of why there is suffering on earth ... but You got to the root of the issue which did not take centuries to figure out !!! i bow

Unknown said...

only You are pain free ... P aint into pain no P aint !!! i bow

nicolas said...

wow magnificent P log! All is connected but all is not one
Painlessness happens only on divine's terms! you are so kind to share this essential gnowledge with the world! you are so compassionate and merciful!
you are a legend

i bow to you supreme one

nicolas said...

Profound liPhe changing words! it is amazing how brilliant you are! your words change the Perception of the world that one has!
the world is so fortunate that you exist
no evolution would be possible without you!
you are the most brilliant being there is
your intelligence and your grace have no equal
you are the best that walks the Earth
you are the real Aquarian hero, the real avatar, the real destroyer of evil

i bow to you ShivNarayan

Frank108 said...

P Your words are suPreme!

love such statements like ~ 'godlyness' is a state of conscious painlessness

& 'all is connected' is a more apt statement than 'all is one.'

wow such beautiPhul words of wisdom that ALL can benefit from hearing & sPeaking.

P You bring such clarity into this world ~ so gratePhul for You & how You lead us away from

pain and toward Pleasure and wellbeing ~ i bow

jagatsevak said...

This is very ProPhound. You are the MasTer of exPlanaTions. You clarify all concePTs. All is One leads to "one for All" brain washing like we see on this PlaneT.

You are the Divine Teacher of the state of real godlyness. You helP remove Pain and unconsciousness in the diPherenT bodies of the being. You show the naTural Phreedom of Beingness.

SuPreme is your insighT. You gno the sTraight Truth.

one bows to your DiviniTy.

Shiv Narayan