Friday 7 September 2007

Into the Ree-al Laa-ite


asha Pi arTi said...

what a Powerful mantra !

You provide one with all the artillery required to combat any nonsense & negativity anywhere from any angle !

* bowing to the compassionate sound and light of Lotus Ocean the true guardian angelic Force ! *

Anonymous said...

This shows how Powerfully you Penetrate the dark sun and graciously benevolently transform it into a more soothing light.The divine Light. That is the only ree-al-Laa-ite. Thankyou for being you. You make us all the shining suns of happiness yet again eternally.

miragegirl said...

your music is high vibrational and helps one evolve

by being humble to Divine and working practically towards evolution we can move closer to going past the sun into "Ree-al Laa-ite"

these are concepts that you have taught us and given us practicalities for it in your compassion

the way you have weitten "Ree-al Laa-it" makes it feel light

its beautiful

you are a very practical being

you are a true guru

you are the most benevolent being

pinx said...

"Gonna go past the Sun into the Ree-al Laa-ite" ♪♫♪♫ !! this is a total mantra !! this has to be recited daily ! such a great PosiTive affirmation of what is required !

You are the best P ! just this one line in itself teaches so much ! that there is another light, past the light of the Sun, a real light which one can only get to if one can go past the Sun ! that is profound information !

so grateful that You are here ! there would be no chance of making that journey without You !

You are the NewSun ! You can lead us to the Ree-al Laa-ite, into the Ree-al Laa-ite ♪♫♪♫ !

Anonymous said...

i bow! You show us what the reeal laaite is by embodying it and expressing it constantly! You so generously share and shine it on all who will open to it! dhanyavad P! Narayan! Narayan!

Anonymous said...

what a grand journey towards the NewSun! PasT the Sun to the Ree-al Laa-ite shown by the NewSun

wow ! the rays of the Sun are the Truths, the Truth intensities that are absolute gotten to by various beings

there are definitely not a billion PeoPle in higher realms !

wow wow ! magical multiverse !

like Your voice goes into the mic & sPreads out, so has You the light projected into this realm sPreading Your magic around

i want to come to the Real Laaite in a sooner liPhe

the ones who can clearly see are Your immediate comPanions !

Anonymous said...

'koti Surya sama Prabha'
Your light is equivalent to the radiance of a crore Suns and more.

Anonymous said...

You are feathery lite in your being ! You are not weighted down by any low emotion. Your emotion is galactic.

Anonymous said...

You show proper way of living a life on earth. You help one towards evolution. Therefore, there is none more beneficial to one than you.

PsingulariTy said...

You are the Reaa-al Laa-ite being
You are The NewSun

nature tends to you. evenings turn to subtle yellow light, subtle Pink... You give a glimPse of higher lokas on earth. being around You is being in heaven. such glorious maniPhesTations Your's are ! no one can come any close to bringing on such resPonses. You show what art really is ! You are the suPreme arTist !

NewSun is shining high in the sky right now !

Unknown said...

The real light is here because, you're the sun who is throwing the real light by his words and music, which is not just a piece of art but, a message to those who wants to understand it.

Unknown said...

PT is the answer!

Unknown said...

i bow to the Sol.
i bow to the ree-al laa-ite.
i bow to PT.
i bow to Mother Earth.

Gita said...

Take us all into the light.. aeioum

I Bow !

Anonymous said...

beauTiPhul scenery,

elecTriPhying sonics,

high volTage Performance,

Your innerchanT is very enchanTing,

You are Truly full of Phorce.

Anonymous said...

You are the real lighT guiding many lives
because you give unignorable realiTy checks.

Franco PT said...
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jagatsevak said...

you are the Source of real lighT. your message has been consistent and coherent for so many years
you give clear illumination to the HighesT PaTh to phollow
going past the Sun to the Ree-al Laa-it haPPens through constant praise, bowing, and serving Divine
you are the Way
the lighT of all lights
jagatsevak bows at your wholy LoTus PheeT