Friday, 31 October 2008


just a quick observation on the

terminology assigned to a particular

race/tribe on this planet

the race/tribe termed 'white'

is not really 'white'

might come as a surprise to some

but those who have doubts

are advised to take a look at the colour

( over & over if required )

the translucents is a more apt term

to describe this race/tribe

the colour white conjures up ideals

of purity & righteousness which are

erroneously ascribed by the subconscious to this

particular race through this false terminology

so much for the black & white

chessboard world which has been created

by those whose objective is to confuse

ps. though these words might rub some

people the wrong way,

it must be stated that

this blog is not here to promote racism

but as an exercise in seeing/naming things

as they are