Wednesday, 26 July 2006
Saturday, 22 July 2006
Real ॐ Revealed
in the Beginning arises the dot
the dot moves to create an arc (golden mean spiral!)
one becomes two
static & kinetic, Shiv & Shakti
three arcs are created with the dot in the center
Trinity is established
Multi-verse is born
AEIOUM is thus the symbol of creation
called Om or Aum when true knowledge is lost
amongst children of earth
every vowel is part of the play ...
Thursday, 20 July 2006
the Name
whats in a name ?
not much considering the number of
john's & david's there are
in this world
it is just an 'identity tag'
which you unfortunately have to share
with many others
but if one looks deeper a 'name' might turn
out to be more than that
it might reveal one's function within
the bigger scheme of things
no i am not talking about numerology
even though that is also a good starting
point to discover the workings of multiversal functionings
for example going into the basics of yours truly's name
we discover ~
Prashant ( pronounced Praha - shant with a soft 't' at the end)
Trivedi ( pronounced Tri-vaidi with a soft d )
actual Sanskrit ~
Pra-shant = (Pra) Very (Shant) Peaceful
Pra-shant is thus also the sanskrit equivalent of Pacific (Peacefic)
Praha - shant = Waves + Peace = Wave Resolution
nondestructive interference amongst waves
leading to superluminal faster than light implosion
Tri-vedi = 3 Vedas or 3 Main Systems of knowledge
also known as the 3 IDS or the 3 ME's
if you look at it in a Egyptian sensibility ~
P = Virgo = Mercury = Hermes
Tri-vedi is the same Tri-smestigus
so P Trivedi becomes Hermes Trismestigus
my initials PT become root of PTAH etc
which in its sanskrit root is Pitah, meaning father
or Patih meaning husband
P = Proper
T = Crossing
PT Skywalker sounds fine too in a birdtribe context
P = Axis
T = Turning
to sum it up i like to say,
P is the P-ole you spin around
what was lost is now being found