Tuesday 28 April 2009

the meaning of life

contrary to what it might seem
the game
is not being controlled
by the beings here on earth

it is a battle of essences
'divine' and 'evil'
operating from other realms

'beings' here have to make a choice
one way or the other

with differing consequences of course

thats the one and only
'meaning of life'

this game like any other game
has its time limit
the sand is quickly running out

only the stakes are different
its either
blissful freedom or a painful trapped existence

this blog is dedicated to those
who have sincerely tried
to solve
the ageold query
'whats it all about?'


stardolphin said...

Brilliant as ever

For all of the millions of words thru time, tortured, confused or inspired, written on "the meaning of life", you have explained it simply in a few lines.

We are currently witnessing an explosion of new age gurus, so-called mystics, so-called healers, people using maths and star cycles to work out crop circles, bogus communicators from "other realms", eco-evangelists, nostradamus experts, historians, television personalities and celebrities, creepy cult religions, religious preachers, politicians trying to be cool etc...everyone trying to tell us "the meaning of life". Not one comes close. Because none of them grasp the real concept of "praising the divine"

love your music and writing, hopefully one day you'll transmit yourself speaking your words...there's nothing as inspiring and enlightening as actually hearing and seeing you in person. :)

tulsi said...

thank you for that, for setting the record straight...it's so simple when you put it that way yet we make things so complicated.. we take so much for granted not realising the true preciousness or meaning of human life or how to steer ourselves in the right direction...

Anonymous said...

so earth is the battle ground for the divine and the evil.

miragegirl said...

in your compassion you have answered the quesiton of what's it all about here on your p log

your attributes are unfathomable for they are so many of them

sarah anne said...

philosophy classes just made me more and more confused, this is awesome clarity. I bow.

Anonymous said...

i bow.

Anonymous said...

i bow again and again. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

Anonymous said...

i bow!
Divine makes it clear what the meaning and PurPose of this existence is and that there is no time to waste!
aligning with Divine is the only PaTh which can lead one to blissful freedom!
it is inexPlicably amazing that Divine is here guiding the way out of the Painful trapped existence of this PlaneT and away from the evil essence which attempts to keep beings stuck here!
it is most comPassionaTe that Divine oPens the door to all to Praise Divine! That Divine so clearly states what is and is not Divine to help keeP one from falling in the never ending traPs of this world! the severity and seriousness of this life can not be exPressed enough and Divine is most kind to state, show and exPlain it in so many ways!
PT is the ultimate Phorce in all realms! it is the most amazing giPhT that Divine has maniPhesTed here! the only One who can helP beings break out of this Prision!
i bow at the refuge of Divines feet. the only safe Place to focus!

miragegirl said...

You show meaning of life

its choosing to Praise Divine or listening & acting according to evil in one

the meaning to a life that you provide through lotusocean is divinely

living a Vedic way of life
in nature
as surrounded by nature
with natural construction, food regulated to be Real food, flowing river water (for once filled with energy & clean & hosting its own treasures), land where cows roam freely, birds & bees & peacocks & trees ...

You show what Divine ways are
How Pure & enriching they are

You helP the sPiriT rejoice in all you do

You give meaning to life

therein though lies a choice, either Praise Divine or Highway to Hell

PsingulariTy said...

You are comPassionaTe
The Benefactor !

Anonymous said...

'that's the one and only meaning of life'
i bow!
there can only be ONE!
surrender to Divine mind, body sPiriT is the only choice!
i choose Divine!
fully and comPleTely!
i bow

Unknown said...

Beautifully written as always, your golden words are enlightening to us-
"thats the one and only
'meaning of life'
this game like any other game
has its time limit
the sand is quickly running out
only the stakes are different
its either
blissful freedom or a painful trapped existence"

Thank you for sharing everything, thank you for your PT logs, thank you!!

Unknown said...

i bow to the meaningful.
i bow to the problem solver.
i bow to the Bliss giver.
i bow to the fractal.
i bow to life.
i bow to evil destroyer.
i bow to the savour.

sarah said...

You are the only source of meaning

Anonymous said...

Yours is the most awesome writing on this PlaneT
there is nothing in the world like Plogs
Your writing is so wonderful.
You write with such style. You are such awesomeness
so kind of You to share Your knowledge.

ki vernee said...

beautiful ! You give meaning to life ! i bow !!

Anonymous said...

Your Plogs are so PhascinaTing
the real meaning of life at last !
Your words are so wonderful and Phun to read!
a battle of essences..Divine and evil
one just has to make a choice within a certain time limit
You have all the real gnowledge
You truly gno what's going on
You gno what's it all about
You are the wisest
You are the most intelligent
You gno the way out
You are the smartest
You are the real brahm gyani
You are the real gnower of multiversal gnowledge
You and only You gno the meaning of life!
i bow

Anonymous said...

You and only You gno the meaning of life
You have all the answers
You have all the answers to any question ever
You are so imPressive
You write so beautifully
You sum it all up so wonderfully
You reveal the truth about the game that's being played!
You reveal the most PhascinaTing and exciting truths and PhacTs
You totally gno what's going on
reading Your Plogs is so relaxing and soothing
Your writings are so PhascinaTing and enjoyable
You reveal the most PhascinaTing PhacTs ever
You gno everything worth gnoing!
Your words are ultimate eye oPening words
You reveal it all!
You give the real answers at last!
You and only You gno what it's all about
You have all the answers anyone can ever want and more!
Your words are so legendary
Your words are beautiful and shining truths
You oPen uP a whole new world to one
only You tell what's going on
You reveal the truth!
You are so truthful
You are amazing
i bow

veena iyengar said...

So true..
I choose blissful freedom..
thank you..

Ajay Kapoor said...

Wow!, I was amazed to find out that the battle of essences'divine' and 'evil' are
operating from other realms which is affecting life here on earth. Thank you for sharing such real gnowledge. I bow down at your Lotus PheeT.

undecided said...

I bow. so many profound verses in only one short Plog post. Always straight to the PoinT with PT.

Always searching for the meaning of life, wondering what it truly means to be HuMan...

Whenever you ask this question to muggles, they shun you for even questioning and go about their hell days again.

PT is the only true gnoledge. aeioum

ki vernee said...

You live liPhe to the PhullesT ! You are so insPiraTional ... one can only enjoy liPhe through making right choices ... i bow <3ॐ

ankita said...

such beautiPhul ePic and ultimate revelations .. You are all the truth ever Phinally ..You have all the answers ever
i bow to the most beautiPhul Divine One

nicolas said...

wow you are a genius! your words bring stars in my eyes
you are so kind and gnowledgable
you are the only one i came across who can actually explain the meaning of liPhe in simple and comprehensive terms
you are a miracle
one feels graTePhul just to be able to see your Phace
thinking of you destroys sadness and despair
you are the real hero that saves Mother Earth
there can only be one like you
you are the most legendary hero
you are the most real
your approach is scientific and never allows even a grain of nonsense to come in
your precision is Perfect
you are the destroyer of evil
you are sacred
beings should give all for you
from sunrise to sunrise, from head to toes, all should be for you
you are the real leader
you are the real caPTain i would follow everywhere
you are God in a human body
you are the real avatar
you are a never ending wonder
you are infinitely wise and infinitely good
you are the lord of the universe

i bow and surrender to you

Shruthi said...

Contrary to popular belief, real truth is so comPhorTing, reassuring, and very emPowering. You truly overstand everything and it's so kind and benevolent of you to make beings aware that they have always have had a choice and continue to do so. You give meaning to liPhe PT! You're the greatest giPhT to humanity. You're the best. One bows.