Friday 21 June 2013


majority of

people here

do not take

responsibility for

their own selves


they would be

much more


( responsibility is response-ability)



responsibility lies for the self

before being

responsible in any other way

lot of irresponsible brats

pose as responsible for family etc

being responsible for the self

is the only key


allows for anything/everything good to happen


this world and the next ...

one has to honestly face

one's irresponsibility

towards one's own self

& the extent of it

before one

can change to




Vintish said...

I bow

Shahid said...

Very true Lord,being responsible for the self is imperative.

I bow to Lord Narayan whose nature is Satchitananda. The Lotusocean Blog is full of satchitananda.

Lord PT you are peace personified and I bow at your lotus feet.

pinx said...

what BRILLIANT words of truth and wisdom !

this is such a crucial P-log, what PerTinent PoinTs You make ! it is so true that majority of people do not take responsibility for their own selves, and it is so great how You reveal the gravity of that irresponsiblity, no other can get to Your precise wording or honesty or revelations.

You word it all so well, and make such beautiful and inspiring statements:

"being responsible for the self

is the only key


allows for anything/everything good to happen


this world and the next ..."

wow ! what a wonderful statement !!! what an ePic statement ! You are the most generous hearted and compassionate of Souls, Your P-logs are such a precious gift to this world !

I Bow !

missmriggy said...

Humble Obeisances..

Anonymous said...

i bow.

Anonymous said...

i bow. You break down words exPosing the simPle and Profound meaning inside that is overlooked! Your words and insights are the most imPortant and PotenT Truth P. You guide one to look beyond excuses, justifications, appearances and get real, get deep into the core, the heart, the root! You bring the magnitude of this imPorTance into foucus!

'one has to honestly face one's irresponsibility towards one's own self & the extent of it before one can change to being response-able'

everything You say, write, Play, do is such an immeasurable gift! You who has faced it all and risen above and beyond it! You who bes, sees and gnos the way to living and being and dying in Perfect bliss. Your affect is the simPlesT, subtlest, and most Powerfully Profound to exist! i bow at Your generous feet. dhanyavad P. Narayan! Narayan!

miragegirl said...

i wish to take resPonsibility for myself through Praise of Divinities
what can come of it i only see as good
and i walk this earth so

You are helPing immensely with Your LotusOcean Manifestations
they show nature at its best, they show what Divine qualities are, the greatness of divinities & so much more

grateful to You for the LotusOcean Manifestations

Anonymous said...

i bow!
such PotenT words! words which simPly can't be ignored! words to be read and rePeaTed again and again!
'one has to honestly face one's irresponsibility towards one's own self & the extent of it before one can change to being response-able'
lotusocean Provides the only way for one to face the truth!
one is increasingly ashamed by the extent of ones irresponsibility, to face that ones life has been nothing but irresponsible regret after irresponsible regret which one constantly ran from as a brat posing as responsible for others.

It's SO insPiring to see how everything in the natural world and worlds beyond this one resPond to You P! No Posing or PreTending or trying it all just resPonds PerfecTly!
and to learn it is the only key for good in this world and the next is really clariPhying in how imPortanT it is for one to learn to be responsible for the self!
i bow.

PsingulariTy said...

You are The Enlightened One
You are The saneT teaching right way of being

Anonymous said...

i bow
Divines scriPTures are such a giPhT.
no where else can one read and sPeak the absolute Truth!
You have the comPleTe overstanding of all things!
only You can convey the True meaning of words.
only You can convey True meaning!
It is beyond comPassionaTe of Divine helP one honestly face the extent of irresPonsibility in order for one to change and become resPonsable.
it is really embarrassing how often one has to be reminded.
i bow in shame for being such an irresPonsible brat
one is so grateful for Divine helPing one see ones life is meaningless unless one takes real resPonsability for oneself
through becoming resPonable to Divine.
i bow

Unknown said...

i bow

sarah said...

divine has such PuriTy of intent to guide beings towards taking resPonsibiliTy for themselves. it is very comPassionaTe and merciful.

ki vernee said...

You are so logical ! responsibility is being response able to Divine ! beautiful ! i bow !

Unknown Andanonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kṛtti kā said...

Wow ! You so eloquently reveal real meaning behind every word! ResPonsibiliTy is just resPonse-abiliTy to Divine ! You teach in the best most imPacTPhull ways...

"one has to honestly face
one's irresponsibility
towards one's own self
& the extent of it
before one
can change to

You give the most cogent reasoning and solutions. Your words are real education and ultimate PhacT-check for now and beyond! It requires honesty to face one's brattiness nd irresposibility ! You sow the seed of honesty in beings through Your words! You awaken one to the inevitable consequences of being irresponse-able! You Provide The Best guidelines EVER to correct oneself! You are The Only Guru, You are The Best Teacher one could EVER Phind!
So glad to have come across You! You are The ultimate helP, You are The Best giPhT!
You have given the best mantra for beings to rePeaT & imbibe ~ Actions have consequences & one is resPonsible for ones actions!
You are so ahead of everything, You are so intelligently Pre-cognizant to write in words that can have effect on little minds like us, You simPlify everything for us so beautiPhully! How You Provide simPle yet Profoundly effective PracTical aPplicaTion for everything You say is so brilliant !

You are legendary, Your word is The Mightiest Sword !

i bow /\

ki vernee said...

You are the most resPonsable being ... and uPhold resPonsibiliTy ... i bow

ki vernee said...

You are resPonsible in every way ! i bow

ki vernee said...

one has to honestly face

one's irresponsibility

towards one's own self

& the extent of it

before one

can change to



You helP beings face the reality of themselves ... i bow 🙏🖤🕉

sarah said...

since one cannot unexist, taking control is the only logical sTeP, and it could not haPPen without Your gracious guidance. You are so resPonsible to Provide education to lower beings, as well as demonstrate exemPlary self disciPline.

Anonymous said...

So True, logical, and doable! You are the ePiTome of comPassion. i bow down at your divine feet.🙇🙏

nicolas said...

one has to be responsible for the self! that makes Perfect sense! your words are sacred!
i bow to you supreme lord

ankita said...

beautiPhul and comPassionaTe words...
such a joy to read Your words!
You have the key! You sPeak timeless truths

being responsible for the self
is the only key
allows for anything/everything good to happen
this world and the next ...

such Priceless words of wisdom!
being resPonsible for the self!
irresponsibility leads to hell pain and torture!
You are so immensely kind to show the way!
i 🙇

sarah said...

the irresponsibility towards oneself has been extreme, and facing it all is a bit much. however it is clear that the more responsible one is, the better the results, the Phorce will be more resPonsible towards one if one has not messed up so many times. it is all very insPiring to do far better.